Lunch Food Maker
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Lunch Food Maker

Let cook some lunch sandwiches! Bring along two slices of bread and your favorite veggies, meats and cheeses. It’s time for lunch, and sandwiches are on the menu! Do you like chicken or ham? Is your favorite cheese chedder or mazdam? There is no limit to the ways you can create a tasty sandwich, so why stop with a meat and cheese only? Put the meat on the bread, layer the cheese, and put on some veggies to make the best treat on a lunch! In this game there are thousands of combinations for kids and adults to make! ...

  • Sandwich themed cooking game.
  • Easy to use controls to select and place foods.
  • Fun features to cook the meats!
  • Tons of different meats, cheeses, veggies, and more!
  • Ice cream sandwiches, too!

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